The primary strategy for donations to capitalize and sustain the organization is to seek many small monthly (or other regular) contributions from individuals, churches and other organizations.
Additional fundraising will be done by seeking grants and other large one-time contributions.
The primary strategy for identifying vulnerable students to assist will come from referrals by board members, local community leaders in all walks of life and from government and other assistance programs in place. A network of such groups will be identified and constant communication will promote a high level of involvement by all parties.
Additional strategies for identifying vulnerable students exist in the future plans to expand beyond Livingstone and into more rural areas. Outreaches, workshops, crusades, feeding programs, and other events will be sponsored to bring relief in these areas as well. In village community schools, we want to create the condition of a sponsored teacher (e.g. we pay the salary of a teacher so that he/she shows up to teach) and whoever is in the area is allowed to attend school for free.
Promotional Budget
Initial startup funds to establish the organization are estimated at approximately K6,000. This includes name searches, PACRA Registration, Ministry of Community Development Registration, Logo design, business stationary, initial website development, promotional logo shirts and miscellaneous office expense such as paper, copies, passport photos for bank account, meeting expense, etc.
Ongoing promotional budget and operational budget to be developed in conjunction with financial budgeting process to be completed before the end of 2016.
Proposed Location
The initial location for provision of services will be Livingstone, with outlying areas to be considered as growth is achieved. Villages and other cities in Southern Province will be targeted on a case by case basis and areas beyond to be considered as appropriate. It is our objective that a model is developed that can be sustained and repeated in other areas.
Referral Sources
Referral sources for students will continue to be board members, community leaders including pastors, government supervisors, business owners, school administration staff, head teachers, teachers, social welfare department employees, social workers.
Forecasted Support Required
Year 1 – 20 students ranging in age from grade 8-12 at a cost of K2,000 per student creates a need for funding of K40,000 for school fees and requirements alone. Operational expenses are estimated at K2,000 for the first year. The total estimated amount needed to achieve goals for the first year is K42,000 (K3,500/month).
Year 2 and beyond – The goal is to increase support by approximately 10% per year.