Wings of Hope Community Outreach has a board of directors with a wide variety of skills and expertise, including social work, teaching, running of schools, pastors, counselors, non-profit promotional and business professionals.
There is also an Advisory Board being developed to bring in other professionals as needed.
Working closely with the Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare, mutually beneficial tasks can be accomplished. The Ministry has a place to refer kids they are unable to help and Wings can benefit by their expertise in assessments, placement and counseling. Furthermore, students on attachment can be provided by the Ministry as well, to assist Wings in the field work noted in the Services section.
Working with pastors, educators and counselors on the board, Wings will have easy access to Christian teaching programs, counseling and curriculum assessment needs of individual students and their families.
Board members with extensive local and international business expertise provides Wings of Hope an excellent capability for record keeping and accountability. Financial management, business strategy development, fundraising management and implementation of quality customer service are among the features available in this organization.
Students will benefit from financial support of 50-70% of their education expense needs, education guidance counseling and family support to ensure they can successfully pursue a career objective.